
Welcome to the blog dedicated to our art classroom at Ann Parish Elementary. Each week I will be posting the weekly lessons and activities for easy viewing and access.

Friday, May 15, 2020

LESSON 9: Last Week

schools outMay 18 - 22

Last week of school and last week of art until next school year. Of course, you can always be making art during the summer time too. It is very much encouraged to stay creative.

We still have one more week together! There are two options this week.

1. Join me in person on zoom for our last draw alongs or Pictionary fun on Wednesday and Thursday at 3:00 or 5:00.

2. Complete our last art project for the year in your own time with your own supplies.


Goal: Create a new and improved version of our very first art project this year.

At the beginning of the year every class made "self-portrait" hand art. This art was supposed to be about you and show your personality.

  1. Trace your hand
  2. Add drawing, words, or details that show things about yourself. 
  3. Add details with lines, patterns, shapes, colors, or anything else that is interesting. 
  4. Outline and color if you have the supplies. 
  5. The rest is up to you!

This video will go more into detail with tips on how to make your new and improved artwork more interesting.

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