
Welcome to the blog dedicated to our art classroom at Ann Parish Elementary. Each week I will be posting the weekly lessons and activities for easy viewing and access.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

LESSON 3: Color

Color Wheel
April 6-10

This week's theme is COLOR. There are three lessons to choose from with two activities in each lesson. You only need to CHOOSE ONE ACTIVITY from ONE LESSON. Of course you can always do more if you want.

Turn in a photo of your artwork on Artsonia under the project "At Home - Color"


Activity 1: Scavenger hunt. Put objects in a rainbow colored order or in a color wheel order.
(Many students have already completed this)

Activity 2: Create artwork based on the rainbow color order. Choose your subject and supplies. Somewhere in your art there needs to be the ROYGBIV color order.


Activity 1: Create your own color mixing activity starting with the primary colors to make secondary colors and maybe even tertiary colors. You can use food coloring, paint, playdoh, or anything else you have to mix colors. 

Activity 2: Use paint or food dye in water to paint your own color wheel using only primary colors to mix.

3. MONOCHROMATIC (1 color)

Activity 1: Put together a monochromatic outfit.

Activity 2: Make art using monochromatic colors. Choose your subject and your supplies. 

Color can give artwork emotion and feelings. When someone looks at your art or your outfit, what do you want them to feel? For instance Blue could seem sad, Red can seem angry, and Yellow can be happy.

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